Success Stories

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Stasha wrote on March 17, 2022: SUCCESS WITH REMITTANCE COUPON!! 🥳🥳🥳 

My husband used his remittance coupon to pay off $856.60 from his CPAP machine!!! God is so so amazing!!!

Put your question here.
Jermy Vickers

Where is the whole proof? We want to see remittance coupon used and anything else you used to accomplish this.


Go to the coupon cause and you will see the details.

L. K.

Dear Administrator, 'Go to the coupon cause and you will see the details.' Where is the 'coupon cause' to see the details and proof. I wish Legalibus would not allow posting of 'success' examples without more specific information and better photos. The Capital One example seems to be the clearest example of all of them, the rest have no real proof of anything being paid off or paid down. It makes things seem suspect when people don't include specific details for the greater good. If a bill is shown here, then the receipt of the same bill with copies of whatever the person did to secure payment and a reduced balance document with details that clearly link it to the photo of the bill should be required. Otherwise, it's just another internet story. Obviously, instructing people to cover their name, phone, address and all but the last few digits of their account number - so it is obvious and legitimate. Additionally, asking posters to check back to answer questions, as the person who posted the Cap One example did. So many questions from Legalibus users and zero answers from the people who posted. Thank you - I hope Legalibus will consider requirements for posting success stories.


We can share as much as the subjects share with us. And no matter how much is shared someone can always choose to doubt.. Thankfully we are not selling the courses and it is free.. so we have nothing to prove to anyone... if you cannot believe then feel free to dismiss and move one. Otherwise why don't you try to create your own success and then come share it here?

We have interviewed many who had success stories, some have not wanted to share pictures, others have not wanted their testimony posted...


this actually shows, NOTHING!! :(

D Lee

@L.K., Jermy, and others go to the courses and watch and read all listed under How to Pay Bills with a Coupon. There are samples somewhere in there, I saw them and downloaded a screenshot myself. You can pause videos and do a screenshot, or print screen and save the jpg on your device.


Dear Administrator, 'Go to the coupon cause and you will see the details.' Where is the 'coupon cause' to see the details and proof. I wish Legalibus would not allow posting of 'success' examples without more specific information and better photos. The Capital One example seems to be the clearest example of all of them, the rest have no real proof of anything being paid off or paid down. It makes things seem suspect when people don't include specific details for the greater good. If a bill is shown here, then the receipt of the same bill with copies of whatever the person did to secure payment and a reduced balance document with details that clearly link it to the photo of the bill should be required. Otherwise, it's just another internet story. Obviously, instructing people to cover their name, phone, address and all but the last few digits of their account number - so it is obvious and legitimate. Additionally, asking posters to check back to answer questions, as the person who posted the Cap One example did. So many questions from Legalibus users and zero answers from the people who posted. Thank you - I hope Legalibus will consider requirements for posting success stories.


CORRECTION: Go to the "How To Pay Bills with Coupon" COURSE and you will see the details.


Legalibus provides community forums to discuss. Anybody can answer questions. Legalibus is not meant to answer all questions.

Cindy Swanson

You can't just copy off someone else's paper. Getting upset because they didn't provide enough proof for you is insane. You have to understand the whole puzzle. When you won't need proof. You will see why it will work and you will have your own success. So many people come on here wanting to have it done for them without doing the work. Understanding and learning how they have stolen from us and learning to take back whats ours is the BEST PART! Knowledge IS power and they have had they power for way too long. Hold yourself to a higher standard than just copying someone else's work and take pride in doing your own. I've tried several methods with no success yet. I refuse to give up until I find the method that works for me. Besides, giving up just means they win. However, if you take the ti.e to learn their game, YOU will be the victor. To victory! lol
But seriously, if you are not willing to invest your own sweat equity into this don't deserve to reap any rewards.

Cindy Swanson

🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 YOU DID IT!
The Universe will gives us anything we ask for. Our job is to ask. The How, is the Universe's job.
Congrats again 💜

I just got 2 doctor bills sent back to me with zero balance. One was over 900.00 and one was over 300.00. From my research, doctor bills and credit cards are easier because of the way they are set up. I was sending the coupons back and the doctors bills worked after I sent in my Notice with and attached definitions of all the UCC codes and where to find them. Once I did that, it started working. Further, after plenty of prayer and study, filing the UCC-1, UCC addendum and the UCC-3 is very powerful for trust law. 2nd, Certifying the BC shows the proof of fraud. Some State National folks believe you must refuse to do business in Public. The whole process of what Chris is doing is, willing and able to do business in private vs public. Anyone who says you don't have to do business in public is cutting off themselves from commerce and their CQV Trust. The CQV trust is unlimited, that means you can send a bond to the SOS, Treasury but you have to report everything to the IRS with a 1099-A, 1099-B, 1040, 1099 oid and 1096, plus a 1040v. Reporting keeps you out of jail and within the codes of the IRS and UCC. And everything can be discharged through the IRS. All they want is to zero the books on your entity. This is the same thing mortgage companies do when they have you sign a promissary note. You sign a note for 500,000.00 and they deposit that money and file everything with the IRS with 1099A. They get the money from your trust and put it into the same account, or another account. Then they send you a bill to of exchange (coupon) and you send them back a check with the coupon. They automatically send the IRS another 1099-A because they have to report that you gave them a check for payment. And ball keeps rolling and they will literally make 1.5 million or more from just your signature and you paid for every bit of it. Do not fail to research what a 1099OID is and how powerful it can be. If you have the receipts, documentation of all deposits and payments, you can get it all back with a 1099OID. Don't do it unless you are confident in your records, but that is a powerful document. Everything I found out started here. Why?, because Chris understands how to give back. Give and it shall be given back unto you, heaped up, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Everything I learned here got me started and now I am researching DTC and the DTC is where you can get the cusip number from what I understand. Someone please correct me if I am wrong on any of this, but from my research....Chris' way is how they want it done and all the answers are there in front of us. We just need to find them because they disguised them very well.

Monica Cuevas

cindy swanson well said........

Monica Cuevas

James Scarborough thank you for your words...

rock crusher

Congrats, GOD Bless. Cheers.


@Jermy VickersThis is exactly what happened to me with my electric bill in Tennessee. I sent in the remittance coupon and I'm happy to send you a pic but don't see a place to upload a pic of what my coupon looked like when I filled it in and mailed it back. The administrator of the account will go in and zero out the debt online so that there is no paper trail. The next month's bill was received by another employee who had no idea what the coupon meant, so I sent another coupon and added a fee schedule like the one Felisha shared on her channel. If i can find a way to post images in a comment, I will be happy to do so, especially if the new bill is zeroed out online again for this month. But, this is how they do things, in secret. The left hand doesn't know what the right is doing.

@rochelle what do you mean by fee schedule and where is felisha's channel?

Rachel - Louise

@Rochelle "like the one Felisha shared on her channel." I would love to have a link to this channel please? Also I have just submitted a coupon to my electric company. Could you email me anything you think would be helpful to me? Maybe the things you wanted to upload and share here? Thank you so much! Praying for your continued success!

Noman Almarifawi

city Bank Closed my account A had $5600 in before now the Car is not working anymore I don't Know if I still Owe the $5600 or not. I'm waiting on my Credit Report to see if going to show I owe anything or not. I will update soon.

Noman Almarifawi

Buy the way I had two card with city they closed on and one still working and i still owe on this one $2854.00


I see the bill that is all. It does not show it was paid but I hope it was.


I have watched all Chris's videos but have so much to learn. I just found this site and am learning as much as I can. I appreciate Chris and his team so much and Mr. James Scarbough, thank you so much for sharing. It is was encouraging...Yes we must ask the Lord for help to grow in understanding and wisdom.

congrats.. once u do the foot work and not just sit back to see someone elses results before you PROVE who yuo are to the crooks itll all seem cr alot of BOTS want to see results b4 they try becuase there still stck in this this matrx and al they been brainwashed to do is be in fear. u shouldnt be in fear to prove your ALIVE then been fleecing us for decades as if were DEAD to them making us incapable of handling our own affairs. never take nobody elses word for one! do yor own reasearch and foot work. you knwo it worked for you cus u did the work dont matter what u SHOW u are alive and accordin to your audograph they prob dont OVERstand why its written that way but want to pay off debt usin a remittance coupan lol or w4 process or 1099 online process each process has its own wait times and gate keepers period until u do your OWN dudiligence you wont see the remedy you want. so many haters go do your own process and get your own research while folk sittin back LURKING they guna change the system becuase more people becoming woke and alive lol CONGRATSSSS to this LIVE being.. keep up the good work dont pay diddly. i w4 sandwiched every corp on my credit report and my husbands and just saying both all 3 major and lexus nexus is CLEARED and credit bills are no longer on there also received letters stating they been paid n closed off they are all fraudelently fleecing you stealign your credits n notes from your ceste q vue and if u dont knwo what im talkin bout u darn sho shouldnt b up here downing someone elses trails n footwork cus they know who theyre are considering there audigraph says enuf lol go queen keep handing it to these croooks u supposed to be FREEE n DEBT FREE period dont live in fear and just lurk on someone elses paths cus theyll still be sittin there in the middle of the grid shutdown tryin to figure out what they really doin hehehehe.. stay woke


Did they also balance the ledger by giving you your credits for this same amount?

Marilyn Falu

Amazing! Congrats! :)